Dec 3, 2021Liked by Brittany Muller

Brittany, I sense your thought resonating with that of G.K. Chesterton on the "mystical strangeness" and yes, even the "magic" of Catholicism. You are in very good company indeed! - Vernon

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Thank you! I love Chesterton :)

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Oh this is the post I was waiting for! I discovered you thru your book first…naturally I wanted more…I’m not on social media, but was happy to discover your blog posts…I remember reading in your book about being a devout Catholic and when I started at the beginning of this blog I noticed you mentioned walking away from the Catholic Church; I patiently waited as I read thru the posts to see when you went back to Catholicism—this has been very fascinating for me as I am a cradle Catholic who stopped going to church in 2000, went deeply new age, but have found myself being called back to Catholicism for the past couple of years, but definitely strongly in the past few months. I remember growing up Catholic—I never thought it was weird…and in my teens it hit me how odd most non-Catholic’s find Catholicism…it still puzzles me. I thought everyone that went to church practiced like we did. I agree with you—it’s mystical and magical and there’s not a darned thing wrong with that! I love reading your posts; they resonate with me as a quite a mystical woo-woo tarot reader who is finding herself returning home to Catholicism. Thank you!

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